Sysona's people were called 'Syson'. Syson travel to work and study by Cars, Buses, Motorcycles, Bicycles and most people are walking. Students think that walking from home to school from school to home is fun. Because they can chatting with their friends while they're walking back home. But the workers prefer to traveling by vehicles. Sysona had many rich people.
A lot of families have their own planes. So, it's really easy for them to going somewhere far away from their houses such as Tryan (The highest mountain in Sysona), Bickles (A famous beach), Dialand (An island which was located near Bickles) and etc.
There are not many traffic jams in the outskirts but there are so so many traffic jams in the cities. Syson travel to long distances by Buses, Trains and Cars and they travel to overseas by Planes and Helicopters. Nowadays, An inventor named 'George'has invented a new kind of transport called 'Plane-speed' its body is like the normal plane but it's a bit smalle

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