Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Most Exciting Time Ever

Once, Sysona had an exciting time which was happened to 3 people. Wanna know detail about this story? Here we go:

Long time ago, on 10,October,1988, A group of students which had 10 people were traveling to Greeksy (The Capital City of Sysona) by tour. They had 1 week to enjoy and relax. So, Jenny, Ema and Drew were planning to go to The Empiler (The Old Castle) to explore something interesting. The other students were sleeping, watching TV, playing games, playing cards...

-8:30pm: They arrived at The Empiler and found many interesting things around the castle.

-9:00pm: After done searching outside they went inside The Castle. Dust and Spider Nests are all around them. Ema screamed loudly when suddenly a lizard fall down in front of her. Jenny and Drew immediately came and asked her what's wrong. Ema said 'Huh! Nothing wrong.' So, they went away and continuing their searching.

-9:45pm: Ema said that she is so sleepy so she asked them if she can go first. Jenny said 'Alright then. Up to you. Go first and we'll go back later.' But who knows? The door suddenly close by itself. Ema screamed again. Drew shouted 'WHAT?! What happen? There is no air outside but why did this door close?!' Jenny didn't say anything, just quiet quiet and quiet. Drew and Ema looking at each other. Ema said 'Oh well, oh well.. Let's open this huge door together' But 'Jenny still didn't move. Soon, Jenny's voice was turning into a man voice. She said 'Help me.. help me.. I didn't want to stay in this castle anymore.. please help me..' Drew and Ema asked if she is okay, but no reply from Jenny. Drew being shouting 'Anyone there? Please help us, we're stuck!' But no one reply only the cat's voice reply 'Meow Meow' with people's crying and screaming. Drew and Ema didn't know what to do. Again, Jenny said 'I'll kill youuuuuuu!!!!! You didn't help meeeee!!!! You're gonna die!!!! HAHAHA!!!' Ema said 'How come you did that to us Jenny?! We're your friends! Drew and Ema!!!' He replied 'What?! My friend? Haha, I have no friend! I stayed in this castle for 6 years already! YES! I stayed alone!! You hear this?! I stayed alone for 6 years!! No food, No water, No friend, No freedom!!!' Drew asked 'Who are you?' He said 'I'm Bob..' Ema said 'BOB! I know that you're already died so just leave us! We didn't know anything!'

Hot News

6:30 this morning, An Explosion at Dr. Ricky Lap had appear. He is one of the famous scientist at Sysona.

He wanted to be the first scientist to learn and give of medicine to the snake to be able to talk and read as human. While he was exploring, he felt a sleep. He had forgotten to lock the snake up, so it runs everywhere in his lap. Suddenly the snake had tough the chemical X. It turned itself bigger and bigger. The snake travel everywhere in the country and destroy all the building and kill many other fellow. Everything had mess up. Could this story be end?? Yes, it could.

There come Dr.Ricky with his medication. What were the medication for?? It used to stop the fellow from growing and made it sleep. The medicine worked. Dr.Ricky had captured at 8:00am on the 21 of February 2012.

Friday 17 February 2012


Plenty of animals are around the world. They are farm animals, pets, wild animals... There are a lot of farm animals in Sysona but there are just a few of them are popular. The most popular pets that people keep is Cockroach. Well, because they think that it is cute or something like that.. Kids are really love cockroach. Some of them take it to school also the park to let it relax..

There is also an unusual animal called 'Buttercat', its body is like the usual cat but it has wings just like a butterfly. Its fur is really really soft and it has many cool colours like Brown, Pink, Blue, Red and Green. David Robinson was an explorer but unfortunately, he is retire now. He had saw a green Buttercat at his hometown. He said that it's big a
nd its fur is so bright. Unluckily, when he ran to catch it, it suddenly fly away. He was so sad and disappointed. After that, he never see it again.

There is only one endangered animal call 'Kangafrog', only 199 are exist. Their bodies are like the kangaroo but their heads are like a frog. People kill them to take their skin to make coat.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Syson's ideas of traveling

Sysona's people were called 'Syson'. Syson travel to work and study by Cars, Buses, Motorcycles, Bicycles and most people are walking. Students think that walking from home to school from school to home is fun. Because they can chatting with their friends while they're walking back home. But the workers prefer to traveling by vehicles. Sysona had many rich people.
A lot of families have their own planes. So, it's really easy for them to going somewhere far away from their houses such as Tryan (The highest mountain in Sysona), Bickles (A famous beach), Dialand (An island which was located near Bickles) and etc.
There are not many traffic jams in the outskirts but there are so so many traffic jams in the cities. Syson travel to long distances by Buses, Trains and Cars and they travel to overseas by Planes and Helicopters. Nowadays, An inventor named 'George'has invented a new kind of transport called 'Plane-speed' its body is like the normal plane but it's a bit smaller and its speed is MUCH FASTER than the normal plane. Everything inside are the same beside the foods and drinks. We can eat them for free.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

~~ Sysona's schools ~

Sysona had many schools. There were just a few big schools such as Eriton, Derisia... There were a lot of small schools such as Hebitian, Raskle, Sempi.... The most important subject in Sysona were English and Chinese. Normally, there were 25 students in each classes. Students think that education is important, worthful and fun. Some teachers are kind and friendly, but some teachers are ferocious and mean. Students loved to study with kind teachers but parents wanted their children to study with ferocious teachers. Because they thought that ferocious teachers could make their children become more intelligent. Students wore their own choices of clothes to study. Most students start studying at 8-9 years old and finish their schooling at 20-21 years old.

Free time

Everyone has there own free time. How about you? What do you do in your free time at your country?
There are lots of fun things to do at Sysona. There are popular activities such as skiing in the winter , surfing and swimming at the beach in the summer.

These sports provide you with good health benefits and entertainments. We know that these sports are dangerous, but no worries, our country had cleared the water and provided guards and rescuers who can keep you from danger.
-Shopping???: No worries!!! Many goods can be found from small stores to huge malls!!! Almost everyone love shopping. Everyone in the world work everyday to spend on food, drink, and many other products, even for their babies. For every tourists, souvenir is a must to remember their special time at a place they visited. Therefore Sysona has an souvenir which is made up by hands. This small things right here is useful and easy for us to organize. This small things right here is not useless. It's useful for our economies. Buy one and see how useful they are!!!